Friday, August 30, 2024

Flying Is Just Learning by Doing


Flying is just learning by doing.
Three ospreys (then more, then more!)
announce themselves with a raucous caw,
spread their wings wide,
and fly out over the mile-high expanse,
Thunder Hill.
Right over my head they come,
so I face into the sun,
and then the moon, a tiny crescent.
Raaaack!  they cry
to get my attention,
and I see, with the high mountain wind,
the slight shifts of tail feathers,
rudders in the wind,
the bend and curve as they rise higher and higher.
I remember, in those dreams,
you can fly higher and higher,
just go!  You have your wings,
the wind will take you, you can bend-
Flying is just learning by doing,
after the first great thrust into the air.

Annelinde Metzner
May 20, 2009 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I sat with the bees


At the foot of my Grandmother Mountain
with my walking sticks I walked
up through fields of silent green and gold.
I found an old stone and sat
gazing out to Her pointed peaks,
Her Grandfather side.
Bees sang to me, continuing
their endless, ageless song
from yellow to yellow, full of pollen.
I sat in peace and gratitude.
Gathering chi from this sacred place,
giving the chi to my heart,
I sat with the bees
until meditation took me over.
Opening my eyes,
again and again I gave thanks.

Annelinde Metzner

August 16, 2024
(at Grandmother Mountain)