Tuesday, September 28, 2021




The Devil's Courthouse, Blue Ridge Parkway

I come up the Blue Ridge Parkway
   on the day my brother is dying.
The Devil's Courthouse, that stunning rock face,
   is where I stop,
   the dark clouds rumbling,
   bright sunlit cloud rims
   making silhouettes of the evergreens.
I listen to the tourists from here and there,
   Boston and Tampa,
   and wait for the quiet to entrance me.
I pass Graveyard Fields while my brother is dying,
   a squall of rain washing me clean.
A bouquet of wildflowers waves at each turn.
Did you love this too, my brother?
Now you are everywhere. 

Annelinde Metzner

August 11, 2021


Edwin holding me when he was 12


My brothers Dick and Edwin, about 1946

Wildflowers blooming in August







Monday, September 13, 2021




From out of the dark, dark night,
the people come with reverence to the sea.
Gazing to the horizon,
all wait in awe,
the sea roaring, the wind in our ears.
Slowly, slowly, the misty, golden rays
shine forth from that certain spot
where She will rise, where each day
life rebegins.
Seagulls line up, quiet,
faces to the sea, waiting.
Slowly, slowly, She appears again,
the merest sliver, and then Her shining self,
painting the cloudline coral-pink,
happy to be here, adored.
The seagulls slowly rise and begin to swirl,
dive, call out, rejoice.
Every day!  Every day!
We adore Her every day, we wait breathlessly for Her.
As She rises, we rise, we spiral,
we whirl into Her day, yes,
another day arises on this Earth.

Annelinde Metzner

November 25, 2010