Saturday, April 25, 2015

Dogwood Blossoms on a White Sky

Today, dogwood blossoms upon a white, rain-soaked sky.
This is my world!
Robins chatter so earnestly, so convincingly,
I strain to discern their meaning.
A bluejay sails in a straight line through the newly-green trees.
This is my world!
This too, the whip-poor-will reminding, reminding,
the hummingbird bold, almost in-my-face,
this world so capable of cruelty, of pain,
where fear may shatter the day in a heartbeat,
this world too!  lies here, fragrant,
brand-new green of early Spring,
dogwood blossoms splayed open,
dancing princesses against the snow-white sky.
Azaleas, salmon-colored,
reach ever wider for our hearts and our wondering eyes.
This too is my world,
this unfathomable place,
my Earth, its fears, its joy and its tears,
this beauty,
white petals open to the whitest sky.

Annelinde Metzner

Black Mountain
April 25, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015

Bundled Up with Grandmother

I’m all bundled up and sitting at Grandmother’s feet!
It’s February!  What good fortune!
Under a red wool blanket,
I exult and absorb Her pure, boundless energy.
I’m here!  I’m here!
Beside the sacred mound, so close to Brigid’s day.
What is this scent so sweet?
Oh grasses, oh pines!
I feel that we are stirring,
Life!  you of endless renewal,
Life!  with me here, dear Sun on my pen,
Life!  coming up through my feet.
Dear Son, nearby, his ashes on the Sacred Mound,
a Pagan too, like his mama.
In the ethers, he gives me a big “thumbs up!”
just for being here.
A big “thumbs up” from my son just for being here this day,
February, all bundled up, red wool to my ankles and chin,
Saule at my back, Gaia radiating through my feet,
the scent of May, the scent of becoming.
It’s Life! L'chaim, it’s the world, fresh,
I’m here, thumbs up, I’m here, bundled up,
I’m smiling, I’m here,
I’m here.

Annelinde Metzner
Sacred Mound

February 8, 2015

My name for a vast ecosystem in North Carolina, a tall mountain of almost six thousand feet, is "Grandmother Mountain."   Although officially called "Grandfather," Her energy is very powerful and feminine for me.
      I visit there and in the nearby area often, as a pilgrimage, and to be near the place I left my son's ashes.  I've learned to feel the abundant energy generated by these natural vortices, and I go there to recharge.

Grandmother Mountain in the distance

My son, Peter Metzner